Press Releases
Be a Part of the Solution: Join Harnett County’s Spring Litter Sweep this April
Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Harnett County invites residents, businesses, civic groups, and the community to join our Spring Litter Sweep this April to help clean up our roadways, parks, and public spaces. Many citizens have voiced their concern regarding litter, and this is the community’s chance to be a part of the solution.
In 2020 Harnett County established a Keep Harnett Beautiful program as a subsidiary program to supplement the efforts of the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT). Keep Harnett Beautiful (KHB) is a program led by the Harnett County’s Soil and Water Conservation District and Solid Waste department.
“Citizens made Commissioners aware of the ongoing littering issues throughout our County, action was taken and Keep Harnett Beautiful was formed. We strive to not only have a cleaner looking place to live, but also to protect our County’s natural resources. If I can get litter sweep tools in every citizen’s hand, imagine how much we could clean up,” said KHB Coordinator, Morgan Pope.
Get Involved
Keep Harnett Beautiful supplies are offered year-round, and staff picks up items to dispose of them once volunteers conclude their sweep. County-wide Litter Sweeps are organized in April and October yearly. KHB qualifies volunteer hours and community hours to any participant. Community members are invited to volunteer a little of their time to help with this effort.
For individuals interested in volunteering to create a more sustainable and visually appealing community:
- Text “LITTER” to (910) 514-2054
- Call (910) 514-2054
- Email Morgan Pope at
How You Can Help
The Harnett County Solid Waste Department offers various convenience sites and landfills for individuals to dispose of waste properly. Convenience sites accept bagged household trash and recyclables. Landfills accept construction, debris, furniture, electronics, metal, and tires.
Solid Waste previously extended the hours for all convenience sites to six days a week and has recently extended the Saturday hours for the Anderson Creek and Dunn-Erwin landfills to 7:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., effective March 8, 2025.
Chad Beane, Solid Waste director, encourages individuals to do their part by utilizing the services that his department offers. "Rather than littering our roadways, abandoned areas, and public spaces, we encourage everyone to take advantage of the waste disposal services the County provides. Many people voice concerns about litter, but real change happens when we come together to be part of the solution," said Beane. “We see a lot of abandoned tires, please bring them to the landfill if you would like to get rid of them, we accept tires for free.”
To help with the littering issue, Harnett County Solid Waste Department has hired two employees to focus on cleanup of secondary roads to assist with NCDOT’s efforts to keep the roadways free of litter.
Individuals who witness illegal littering on the highway, can dial *47 on a cellular device to contact the North Carolina State Highway Patrol.
“Harnett County is home to the Cape Fear River, our main source of water, and we must do our part to protect it. Litter does not just affect our roads and neighborhoods, it affects our waterways, wildlife, and our agricultural production. Everyone should step up and do their part by tossing trash in properly designated areas. There are trashcans at every destination,” said Pope.
For more information about the Keep Harnett Beautiful program, visit
For more information about Solid Waste and how to properly dispose of waste, visit