
Adult Services

Adult Services


Adult services provides assistance to promote independence and enhance the dignity of North Carolina’s older adults, persons with disabilities, and their families through a community-based system of services, benefits and protections geared toward meeting one of the following goals:

· To remain economically self-supporting,

· To help older and/or disabled adults remain able to take care of themselves in their own homes,

· To protect disabled adults from neglect, abuse and/or exploitation,

· To prevent or reduce inappropriate institutional care and placement by making home and community services available

· To help older or disabled adults secure appropriate placement in adult care facilities when it is in their best interest


Adult Placement Services

N.C. General Statute 13B-153 mandates that the County Department of Social Services provide Adult Placement Services (NC Division of Aging and Adult Services). This service is to provide referral information for nursing and adult care homes to aging and disabled adults and their families.

Adult home specialist are responsible for monitoring licensed facilities to ensure compliance with state rules and regulations. This program also handles complaint investigations for assisted living facilities (rest homes) and family care homes.

For more information about ACH Licensure and Regulation please click here

If you would like a list of facilities in Harnett County please click here

FAQ's for Adult Home Specialist

How do you start an Adult Care Home?

You may visit the Division of Health Service Regulation (DHSR) website and click on the link “How to Start a Facility”.  Division of Health Service Regulation (

How do I file a complaint on an Adult Care Home or Family Care Home?

You can contact the Adult Services Intake line at (910) 814-6640 or contact Division of Health Services Regulations at 1-800-624-3004.

Where can I find a list of Adult Care Homes in Harnett County?

You can go to the following link on DHSR’s website NC DHSR ACLS: Facility Listings ( or contact the Adult Services Intake line at (910) 814-6640 for a list.

Can someone assist me with information on how to place my parent into an assisted living facility?

Yes, a Social Worker can help guide you through the process and provide you with the necessary steps, information, and documentation required for placement of your loved one into an Assisted Living/Rest Home or Nursing Home facility.  To be connected to a social worker you may call our intake line at (910) 814-6640.


Adult Protective Services (APS)

Adult Protective Services (APS) is mandated by N.C. General Statute 108A  to evaluate reports of abuse, caretaker neglect, self-neglect and/or exploitation of residents that meet the following:

  • are 18 years of age or older or a lawfully emancipated minor who resides in Harnett County
  • are disabled, for instance the adult cannot complete activities of daily living or handle his/her affairs or protect interests
  • are being abused, neglected by self or caretaker(s), and/or exploited
  • have no one willing, able and responsible to obtain essential services
  • not able or willing to obtain essential services for him or herself

How to make a report to Adult Protective Services: 

To make an APS report call the DSS Adult Services Intake at 910-814-6640, Monday through Friday from 8:00am-5:00pm. After hours, on weekends and holidays, please call 910-893-9111 and ask for the on call social worker.

Recommended information:

  • Name and address of disabled adult,
  • Name and address of disabled adult’s caretaker,
  • Age of the disabled adult,
  • Nature and extent of the disabled adult’s injury or condition resulting from the abuse, neglect, or exploitation
  • Any other information you feel is important


Adult Day Care/Health Services

Adult Day Care is a program intended to provide services for adults who need supervision during the day for personal independence, socialization, and physical and emotional well-being. This program is an alternative to assisted living or nursing home placement as it allows for supervision and care while their caregiver works or handles other responsibilities during the day.


Guardianship Services

Adult Guardianship provides services mandated by Chapter 35A of the N.C. General Statutes. Adults served by this program have been adjudicated incompetent by the Clerk of Superior Court and are in need for a responsible party to assist in some or even all decision making areas in their lives. The Guardian is given responsibility for the adult’s well-being and at times property. Guardianship ends with either the death of the incompetent adult or the restoration of the adult’s competency. The Agency encourages and can assist family and/or friends with information about the process towards becoming the Guardian.


What is the role of a guardian?

A guardian is a surrogate decision maker and advocate for an individual age 18 years old and older who has been adjudicated incompetent by the court. The guardian may have responsibilities that include healthcare, residential and financial decisions based on the need of the ward.

Is guardianship the same as power of attorney?

No. Under a power of attorney, a competent individual decides who will assist them with decisions and management of their affairs in a written document without a court proceeding. Under guardianship, the court decides who will be responsible for making decisions and managing the person’s affairs. This occurs when the individual is unable to make decisions for themselves and are determined to be incompetent by the court.

Are there alternatives to guardianship?

Yes. There are many alternatives to guardianship which include, but are not limited to: Durable Power of Attorney and Healthcare Power of Attorney, Advance Directives, Representative Payee, Bank Accounts, Special Needs Trust, Home Health Care, Family and Friend support, Supported Decision Making.

When does the court appoint a guardian for an adult?

A guardian is appointed if the court determines an individual lacks the ability to manage his or her own affairs and needs a surrogate decision maker to assist with these affairs and advocate for the individual. Lack of capacity could be due to mental illness, disease, injury, intellectual or developmental disability, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, autism, senility, or a similar condition. Poor judgment, poor decision making or wastefulness alone are not enough to show that an individual is incompetent.

In what situations is the local county DSS appointed as guardian?

DSS is always “the guardian of last resort”. G.S. 35A-1214 states the court must first consider an individual recommend by a will or other writing. Next, the court must consider an individual, such as a family member of the ward or other person who is willing, able and responsible to serve as guardian. If there is no qualified individual, the clerk must consider appointing a corporation. Lastly, if diligent efforts have failed and there is no qualified individual or corporation available to serve, the court may appoint the disinterested public agent as guardian which is the Director of the local county DSS. In every instance the clerk shall base the appointment of a guardian or guardians on the best interest of the ward.


General Case Management

Social work services to assist with problem situations and work with families to develop a plan to meet identified service needs. Services may include assistance with money management or providing information about nutritional meal preparation. Our agency may serve as payee for persons who are not able to manage his or her money and need assistance. Normally these are people who have been referred by Social Security.


What services does DSS offer to individuals who cannot manage their money?

DSS can assist individuals with the management of various forms of income (Social Security, SSI, retirement/pension, earned income from working).  DSS works with the client to create a budget, pay bills timely and provide money needed to the client for personal spending.

What is case management in Adult Services?

Case management in Adult Services is a process where a social worker assists their client (age 18 and older) to navigate resources and programs at the Department of Social Services as well as in the community to ensure their daily needs are met and maintained as well as teaching their clients how to advocate for themselves.


Information and Referral:

NC Services for the Blind: There is a worker in the office two days a week to work with individuals who need assistance for eye care through North Carolina Services for the Blind. For more information visit NCDHHD Services for the Blind

Harnett County Housing list

Mental Health Facilities Licensed by the State of NC (link below)

Mental Health Facilities List

OR NC DHHS Licensed Facilities

Harnett County Assisted Living, Family Care Homes and Skilled Nursing Facilities

If you are in need of more information please call Adult Services Intake at 910-814-6640.


In-Home Aide Services

This program provides assistance to elderly or disabled adults with activities such as cooking, laundry, light housekeeping, transportation for grocery shopping and running errands, etc. which may be needed to remain in their home safely.


Non-Emergency Medical Transportation

  • This program is for individuals who receive full Medicaid benefits and have a need for Medical transportation to Medicaid covered services. This program includes Medicaid transportation through HARTS and the Medicaid transportation reimbursement program which reimburses individuals when driving their own vehicles to Medicaid covered services or appointments.
  • How to Apply for Medicaid transportation please call: 910-814-6811
  • How to Apply for Medicaid transportation reimbursement please call: 910-814-6635

FAQ for Non-Emergency Medical Transportation

Am I eligible for transportation services through the county?

If you have full Medicaid you are eligible. You can make an application for transportation services by calling Medicaid Transportation Intake at (910) 814-6811.

Can county transportation be provided if I am in a wheelchair?

Yes, when scheduling your transportation just let the transportation coordinator know.  

Can I get reimbursed for driving myself or someone in my family to their medical appointments?

Yes, if you or the family member has full Medicaid and have a reliable means of transportation.  You would need to contact Medicaid Transportation Intake at (910)-814-6811 to complete an application and to get more information on how to get reimbursed.


Special Assistance In-Home

The Special Assistance In-Home Program provides ongoing case management. The goal of this program is to allow individuals to remain part of the community and live as independently as possible by preventing placement in an adult care facility. The program target is for aged and/or disabled adults who have certain financial needs, full Medicaid, and who are currently living in or at risk of living in an adult care facility. SAIH assistance payments supplement a person's income in order to help meet their basic needs and enable the person to return or remain at home safely.

FAQ Special Assistance In-Home

Can I receive both CAP and SA In-Home?

No, you may only receive one or the other

What is an FL2 and why do I need one?

SAIH requires a form filled out by your doctor (FL2) showing you qualify for assisted living level of care. SAIH is for those who qualify for assisted living level of care but would prefer to stay in their home and can live at home safely.

What expenses does the SA In-Home Program assist with?

SA In-Home can assist with living expenses such as food, shelter, clothing, medications, daily necessities, home modifications and home repairs if needed to reside safely in the home environment.


Intake FAQ's

When making an adult protective services report what information is helpful to have?

The most helpful information needed to make an Adult Protective Services Report is the Adult’s name (or description of person if not known), the Adult’s address, information on their disability or why is the Adult not able to act on their own behalf, or what causes them to not be able to act on their own behalf) and how are they being abused, neglected or exploited.  Any other information is always helpful but not mandatory.


My relative did not have any life insurance or a burial plan, do you have funds to help pay for a funeral?

Harnett County DSS does not have any funding to assist with paying for a funeral. You can contact FTCC at 910-678-7373 to see if your relative qualifies for their funeral program or our agency can give you a cost listing of crematories in the area.


Do you have funds to help pay my rent?

If you have children in the home there may be a program through Work First Family Assistance that could possibly help.  For assistance with children in the home please call that intake line at (910) 814-6823.  


Contact Us:


Fax number 910-912-1628


Anila Ashraf / Guardianship SW III /

Charlene Cromer / Medicaid Transportation / 910-814-6635 /

Angel Finley / Adult Home Specialist SW III / 910-814-6644 /

Martha Jackson / Medicaid Transportation Coordinator /

Janet Jellico / Adult Protective Services SW III / 910-814-6653 /

Brookie Jones / In Home Aide /

Molly Lee / Special Assistance In-Home SW II /

Danielle Little / Adult Home Specialist SW III /

Kyerre Patton-Williams / Special Assistance In-Home SW II /

Haley Stewart / Representative Payee SW II / 910-814-6652 /

Shannon Warren / Adult Protective Services SW III /

Marie Wynn / In Home Aid / 910-814-6646 /

Jamie Zamora / Intake SWII /

Ashley Johnson / Supervisor II /

Nicole Kirk / Supervisor III / 910-814-6688 /

Becky Wise / Program Manager /